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miltenyi美天旎MACS Supplement B27 PLUS(NeuroBrew-21)

  • 更新時(shí)間:  2023-07-26
  • 產(chǎn)品型號:  130-093-566
  • 簡(jiǎn)單描述
  • miltenyi美天旎MACS Supplement B27 PLUS(NeuroBrew-21)
    miltenyi 美天旎 細胞因子 130-093-566 MACS Supplement B27 PLUS

miltenyi美天旎MACS Supplement B27 PLUS(NeuroBrew-21)

miltenyi美天旎MACS Supplement B27 PLUS(NeuroBrew-21)

MACS® NeuroBrew®-21 (formerly MACS Supplement B27 PLUS) are serum-free neural supplements designed for use in combination with MACS Neuro Medium for the in vitropropagation of mature neural cells of the central and peripheral nervous system, or neural stem cells of primary or ES/iPS cell origin.

MACS® NeuroBrew-21 is a re-optimized formulation of the B27 components designed to improve performance.1 It has been developed for the in vitro propagation of neural cells of the central and peripheral nervous system.

MACS NeuroBrew-21 has been designed for

  • optimal growth and long term viability of neural cells of the central and peripheral nervous system
  • the growth of nearly pure populations of neural cells without the need of an astrocyte feeder layer

MACS NeuroBrew-21 w/o Vitamin A is identical to MACS NeuroBrew-21, but without the addition of Vitamin A or other retinoid related components. Vitamin A induces the differentiation of neural stem cells into mature neural cells. MACS NeuroBrew-21 w/o Vitamin A is suitable for use with studies of neural stem cells, neural development and neural cell differentiation.

MACS NeuroBrew-21 w/o Vitamin A has been designed for use with

  • primary neural stem or progenitor cells
  • primary neurospheres
  • ES/iPS cell derived neural stem cells and neurosphere


MACS NeuroBrew-21

Content: 10 mL

Data sheet
 130-093-566price on request here 

MACS NeuroBrew-21 w/o Vitamin A

Content: 10 mL

Data sheet
 130-097-263price on request here 


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