
您現在的位置:首頁(yè) >> 產(chǎn)品中心 >> >> WHATMAN濾紙濾膜濾器 >> 1882-047whatman空氣監測用濾膜/空氣采樣濾紙EPM2000


  • 更新時(shí)間:  2023-07-25
  • 產(chǎn)品型號:  1882-047
  • 簡(jiǎn)單描述
  • whatman空氣監測用濾膜/空氣采樣濾紙EPM2000
    whatman空氣監測用濾膜/Whatman 空氣採樣濾紙1882047 PM 2.5空氣監測用濾膜是一種新型、高純的PTFE濾膜,輔以能耐多重化學(xué)性能的聚丙烯支撐環(huán),用來(lái)做環(huán)境空氣檢測。 EPM2000 Glass Microfiber Filter設計用於大流量空氣採樣器 ● 4.7cm 100pcs/box ● 8"*10"


英文名:Grade EPM 2000 Air Sampling Filter

whatman空氣監測用濾膜/Whatman 空氣採樣濾紙1882047 PM 2.5空氣監測用濾膜是一種新型、高純的PTFE濾膜,輔以能耐多重化學(xué)性能的聚丙烯支撐環(huán),用來(lái)做環(huán)境空氣檢測。 EPM2000 Glass Microfiber Filter設計用於大流量空氣採樣器 ● 4.7cm 100pcs/box ● 8"*10"


Product Data :

Grade EPM 2000 Air Sampling Filter, circle, 47 mm


Complete Packsize100 Pieces
GradeGrade EPM 20001)
Diameter47 mm
Particle Retention In Liquid2 μm2)
Air Flow Rate4.7 s/100 ml/1.56 cm2
Basis Weight85 g/m2
Brittleness Max.No crack larger than 1 in
Test Method: test for fiber filters
Integrity Max.2.5 mg
Test method: test for fiber filters
Weight Loss Max.0.75%/filter
Test Method: EMSL/RTP-SOP-QAD-522
Alkalinity Max.25 μeq/g of filter
Test Method: EPA/600/R-94/038b
MaterialBorosilicate glass
Binder TypeBinder Free
1)This data shown may be based on historic Whatman records.  We are in the process of updating our supporting information as the manufacturing site for these products is changing or have changed already. We will update with new data as soon as it is available (expected to be completed by Jan. 2016). As is normal practice, customers should determine and validate for themselves (as necessary) that the products are suitable for their specific application.
2)Particle Retention Rating at 98% efficiency.

Air Sampling Filters: EPM2000

EPM 2000 has been developed especially for use in high volume PM-10 air sampling equipment that collects atmospheric particulates and aerosols. It is manufactured from 100% pure borosilicate glass of special purity, enabling detailed chemical analysis of trace pollutants to take place with the minimum of interference or background. Whatman EPM 2000 was selected by the EPA to be the standard filter for use in the nationwide network of HiVol air samplers. Sheets are individually numbered to facilitate identification.




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